Re-Inventing The Wheel

January 4th, 2024

When you go food shopping, what thoughts cross your mind? Whether you remembered your bag-for-life? Whether or not you have a pound for the trolley? What if I said there’s something I bet you never think of…something impacting the environment right under your nose?

It’s not just about the plastics in your bag-for-life or the plastic packaging your food comes in, but, the materials and plastics that are found, and discarded, in your trolley’s wheels.

Did you know trolley wheels are not repairable or reuseable? When it comes to their end of life they are discarded and can last up to 1,000 years in our landfills. When tyres pile up in landfills, they can release chemicals into the air, ground, and water that alter our ecosystem. Even worse, just setting tyres on the ground for an extended period is enough to eradicate beneficial soil material that animals and plants depend on for survival.

Shopping trolleys are a part of everyday life for hundreds of millions of people, rarely do we ever think of what happens to the wheels of said trolleys when they begin to wear down and become the dreaded ‘wonky wheel’. For many trolley wheels, the whole castor needs to be replaced along with the wheel itself, causing more waste items and even more of a detrimental effect to our environment.

But what if I also told you, this didn’t have to be the case? What if I told you, there is an environmentally friendly solution? Not only can you save the environment, but you can also save 30% or more in savings on trolley parts. Allow me to introduce: gowheels!™

gowheels!™ is the environmentally friendly solution with their sustainable wheels. Now retailers can eliminate a product from their trolleys that is known to be harmful to the environment, and replace it with a product that is replaceable, recyclable and ISO tested. Save money and eliminate waste, for a more environmentally friendly future in our supermarkets.

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